How might we...
future-proof the supply chain for a $7B business so the Chief Supply Chain Officer can communicate a confident, informed decision to the C-suite?

An international quick service restaurant (QSR) chain had its sights set on improving its supply chain. Together, we prototyped, tested, and iterated on a number of ways to do that. But, this is a massive corporation after all, so the retail chain needed a business case to get buy-in from all of its stakeholders.

We set out to compile data to evaluate, assess, and tell a story for why we thought the idea we settled on was the right solution for the QSR and its supply chain partners. We had already tested the prototypes, but this would allow us to delve into the costs and benefits of the proposed approach. Ultimately, the goal was to build a business case and create a strategic roadmap based on this approach.

A job well done meant demonstrating the real, measurable benefits of the planned changes to the supply chain not just for the QSR itself but also owner-operators, distribution centers, and suppliers. 

How We Did It

We helped our client  make strategic choices on the most effective components and a roadmap for how to get there. Then we dug into actually compiling the data we needed for the business case. We used a range of quantitative and qualitative methods, such as identifying benefit and cost buckets, benefit analysis, benefit quantification data gathering, and secondary research. 

We’re not just comprehensive. We’re iterative too. We worked with organizations across the supply chain to deep dive into areas that would be impacted by the changes, to gather input on the financial modeling, and conduct storytelling workshops. The data showed that pursuing our idea could yield a potential savings of hundreds of millions annually, including millions in savings from labor optimization alone. 

While it’s easy to get lost in all those zeroes, we never leave the human element in the dust. We were guided by questions about how to address both human and system needs. 

The results
Building out innovative, evidence-based, ideas.

This whole process has been an enormous undertaking for the chain. We did extensive cost/benefit data collection and inputted this information into their finance model and explained both the numbers and the model in the business case. And success is contingent on getting buy-in — not at the end, but rather co-creating the business case with the parties it most affects from the get-go. 

But that’s not all. Our evidence-based, human-centered design approach enabled decision making with confidence. Co-ownership and the deep data dive supported the Chief Supply Chain Officer for North America in their effort to get the business case approved.

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